Can be downloaded where indicated. All other titles are available from:agency@hopecorner.net to whom all inquiries concerning professional or amateur performance rights should be addressed. All these plays are fully protected by copyright.
Are You Normal, Mr Norman? & other short plays |
including the title play, in which Mr Norman visits a demon dentist. (4m, 2f, first produced at the Hampstead Theatre, London.) “Mr Wilson’s touch is as light as it is sure” (Financial Times). Wendlebury Day: Tom Wendlebury mixes his life and his fantasies in “a solo, virtuoso piece…an awe-inspiring concoction” (The Scotsman) (1m, first produced at the Edinburgh Festival). If Yer Take a Short Cut, Yer Might Lose the Way. An elderly couple look for truth and love in a skeleton and the glamorous world of TV. (4m, 1f, first produced at the Hampstead Theatre, London.) “Mr Wilson’s writing has a freshness and individuality of its own. He clearly has an instinct for what ‘comes off’ on the stage” (Financial Times). This volume also contains The Wall, The Death Artist, The Escapologist, and The Fourth Prisoner. Published by Samuel French Inc, New York. Available also from Samuel French, London.
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Excellent Beauty & other short plays, including How To Avoid A Tragedy |
How to Avoid a Tragedy: a 30-minute, happy-ending romp through Shakespeare’s four great tragedies (3m, 1f, winner of the Hydrae Prize 2003, and first produced at the Tabard Theatre, London). “Very witty, light and entertaining” (Royal Shakespeare Company). Excellent Beauty, a 30-minute battle between the sexes (1m, 1f, first produced at the Union Theatre, London). “Great stuff, but I got the feeling some of the men in the audience were a bit uncomfortable with it” (Southwark News). The Apple, a 20-minute tale as old as mankind (2m, 1f, first produced at the Tabard Theatre, London). Lear’s Fool (see Plays derived from Shakespeare). Lady Macbeth on the Underground: a one-hour play in which Marie – an out-of work actress – interviews passengers on the Underground, and gradually reveals the funny and sad details of her own life (can be acted by 1f and 2m. The interviews were first performed at the Union Theatre, London). “Wilson’s excellently written ‘Surveying the Passengers’ is like a joke that a stand-up comedian embellishes at regular intervals” (Time Out).
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How To Make Your Theatre Pay |
A 30-minute “hilarious, Ionesco-style satire” (Time Out) in which the Council’s Mr Rouse runs logimetric rings round a hapless theatre manager, to the horror of the boobicous Raquel Bardot. (2m, 1f, first produced by the Wessex Actors Company, subsequently at the Union Theatre, London.) Published by Samuel French, London.
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On Stage Mr Smith |
a 30-minute play in which Mr Smith applies for a course in theatrepeutics with the mysterious Mr Abrams, only to find himself enacting his own life. (4m, 3f, first produced at the Studiobühne, Universität Konstanz, subsequently produced in UK and USA). Published by Dramatic Publishing Company, Chicago.
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People in Cages |
Have you ever felt trapped? By your job, your family, your background, your circumstances? Then you may recognize the killer, the babes, the couple, the green man, or even the sinister keeper who presides over this strange exhibition. Four short comedies-behind-bars that can be performed separately or as a complete programme. (4m, 2f, first produced at the Union Theatre, London.)
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The Biscuit |
a 20-minute play in which two grotesques confront the caged Mr Godfrey with the truth about himself. (1m, 2m or f, first produced at the Rosemary Branch Theatre, Islington).
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The Make-Up Artist |
a 30-minute play in which a young, ambitious actor is gradually transformed into an old has-been. (1m, 1f, first produced at the Studiobühne, Universität Konstanz, subsequently produced in UK and USA). Published by Dramatic Publishing Company, Chicago.
Please contact agency@hopecorner.net for all inquiries.